Tabernacle Area Court Design


The prime number 5 and its increments are prominent in the area design of the Tabernacle and temples of Israel. God gave Moses the dimensions for the court of the Tabernacle in the wilderness.

For example  in Exodus  27:11-13, God gave Moses the dimensions for the length for the north wall of the court. He also gave Moses the dimensions for the width of the east and west walls of the court.
"11 And likewise for the north side in length there shall be hangings of an hundred cubits long, and his twenty pillars and their twenty sockets of brass; the hooks of the pillars and their fillets of silver.
12 And for the breadth of the court on the west side shall be hangings of fifty cubits: their pillars ten, and their sockets ten.
13 And the breadth of the court on the east side eastward shall be fifty cubits."

With this information, we can see that the length of the court of the Tabernacle was one hundred cubits in length and the width of the Tabernacle court was fifty courts.


Therefore, to determine the area of the court of the Tabernacle we multiply 100 x 50 which yields 5000 square cubits as the size of the court of the Tabernacle.

In the temple in Ezekiel, God continued to use the increments of the prime number 5 to layout the area of His temple. In Ezekiel, God specified a length and a width of 500 cubits for the area dimensions  of the temple complex (500x500). 



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