Bible Numbers Website

How Yahweh Numbered Creation

  But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows."
                                Luke 12:7


How Yahweh Numbered Creation

Author: Charles E. Rhone


Dimensions: 7x10


Table of Contents


"How Yahweh Numbered Creation". is the second of seven books in the  “Bible Numbers Series” 

This book reveals how God numbered His creation of the heavens and the earth.

Yahweh has numbered all things, Yahweh has numbered the heavens, therefore, the heavens have numbers assigned to them.  God not only used numbers to create and order the heavens, He also used numbers to create the earth and all of its parts as well as  mankind.

Explore the Biblical Numbers that God used to Number

·        The Heavens

·        The Earth

·        His Creation of Mankind

·        The days of creation

·        Adam and Eve

In over three hundred and fifty pages ,this book graphically illustrates how God numbered His creation. The numbers that Yahweh has used are found right in the Bible. All of this is detailed in the book "How Yahweh Numbered Creation".

In the 6 + 1 = 7 days of  creation, learn how Yahweh used those numbers to design the earth and even the body of man putting to rest the theory of evolution, all of this is seen in the book "How Yahweh Numbered Creation". The existence of the numerical design of Yahweh in our physical world puts to rest any consideration of randomness, hence, retiring the theory of evolution. These great numbers that Yahweh left as He created are proof that He is the sole creator of the universe. "Almighty".




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